CONNECTION: EMOTION: MEMORY - click to view full screen

Within this project I used 5 key words which enabled an emotive link between my theoretcial research and design practice.
Regeneration –
Memories are subjective and can change and be added to over time.
AESTHETIC CONCEPT: textured surfaces, layered imagery, appearance of regrowth/ new life, representing the way that memory can alter overtime
PROCESSES: laser etching, devore, textural princess pleat, layered motifs/ embroidery, 2D into 3D elements, natural juxtaposed with digital dye.

Repetition –
Repetitive activities, such as sewing have been seen to improve well-being of people with Dementia.
AESTHETIC CONCEPT: repetitive marks build up over time to form memories, repetitive activities improve the well-being of people living with Dementia, informing the workshops run with the Alzheimer’s society
PROCESSES: repetitive stitches, intricate beading work, layered/contrasting mark making, ombre subtle colour changes, time progression, projection

Transience –
Memories are transient, and I aim to examine this and find ways to preserve them.
AESTHETIC CONCEPT: representing the way that memory fades, ways to preserve and embed sentimental meaning into designs. Aesthetic depictions of worn away/ altered textural surfaces
PROCESSES: embellisher and tufter to alter textile surfaces, add to or remove stitch marks into woven fabric, screen print processes with blocked off areas, Thermochromic ink, devore digital print, laser etch, dip dye techniques, layered colour, princess pleat, CAD embroidery onto torn paper